Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hi All,

After many (many many many) hours in flight, we made it Tel Aviv.  It's beautiful here.

Sue did some exploring whilst I took a much needed nap then we went out together.  While taking pictures of sunset on the Mediterranean we met the nicest gentleman, Joseph.  We enjoyed visiting with Joseph.  He was practicing his English and telling us about the area here and how much the US means to Israel.  He said Israel is the 51st state.  It was so cute.

Sue and I got our pictures taken with Joseph so we could share him with all of you.

See you all tomorrow!


  1. And the adventure has begun. Two beautiful Sue's walking a beautiful country. We wait patiently for the continuation of your story.
    I love you,

  2. Wow, what a wonderful start to your adventures in Israel! Glad you made it safely! Can't wait for more to come.
