Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 4 of our fabulous trip

Today we started in Capernaum at where Peter’s Mother in law lived where Jesus spent most of time. We learned something I still am overwhelmed but by now you know that doesn't take much. Do you remember when Jesus told the fisherman to go to this area and drop your nets. Do you remember that they caught 153 fish. Do you know in Hebrew that I am your God means 153. Is that not awesome. We then moved on to the Beatitudes which we went over this part of the bible while there. We have been blessed with Samuel he is our Pastor and he gave us a devotion that was unbelievable. This area has not changed much because Jesus cursed this area. So it was like in his time. Everywhere you go you feel his presence. We moved on to Bet She'an where we have seen the biggest excavation of a Roman Empire. I asked our guide if the Romans feed the Christians to lions here there is no proof but they are pretty sure that it did it was there way. Sad when you look at this because you know all this work was done by the Jews probably beaten and then later feed to the Lions makes you sick to your stomach. We are spending the night at the Dead Sea take a dip in the morning. So excited for tomorrow.

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