Monday, March 4, 2013

I Can Only Imagine

I just heard the "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me on the radio.  It got me to thinking.  In the last week I've found myself so full of joy at the idea of seeing where Jesus walked.  It's brought me to tears a few times, it's made me a bit scatterbrained (Hilda B can testify to that) and it's made me feel so close to God.

Eagle Nebula
Eagle Nebula
I'm that excited to see areas where Jesus walked.  He was only on the earth, in a physical body for 33 years.  He changed the world.  He died to give us the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.  Shouldn't we be even more excited about getting to spend eternity with him after this short time on the earth?  It should fill us up.  It should bring us to tears at the joy of being with him for eternity.

Try pondering eternity for a while.  Just stop and ponder it.  It's impossible.  I've tried.   No end... no beginning.  When we are done with  these frail bodies, we have the opportunity to spend all that time with the God of the universe.  The God that created the beautiful flowers you see, the trees, the fluffy clouds, the nebulae that are out in the universe.  Don't you want to spend eternity with Him?

Becoming a child of God is not hard.  You don't have to get your life together, you don't have to try to act perfect, that's not it.  That won't do it.  What will do it?

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, "Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame."   Romans 10:9-10

Don't miss out.

Stay posted for more on Israel and the trip.  


  1. YES!! YES!!! YES!! we should be excited!!! and PRAISE GOD!! that we don't have to get our life together before He just takes us in His arms and says, "My daughter, my son, I AM with you."
