Saturday, March 23, 2013


God is so good.  Since being back, each night when I go to sleep, I am back in Israel revisiting areas.  Seeing them again.  I hope this last for many many months.  It's so precious to spend time where Jesus actually walked, worshiped, prayed and arose.  It is so humbling to consider the amount of grief he went through just for me.

Here is a panoramic of Jerusalem as seen from the Mount of Olives.  If you click on it, it will take you to a much bigger picture.  MUCH bigger.  If you have a slow internet connection it will take a while but it will be worth it as you will be able to view Jerusalem much closer.

I do hope you all are enjoyed this as much as I.  Goodness, it seems that as each day goes by and I do another post, the Holy Spirit moves more in me and I yearn to spend more time with God.  He is so incredibly amazing.

This is the song we were listening to while coming into Jerusalem - it's called "Holy City".

Many have asked me how the trip was.  There are no short words to describe it.  The word amazing doesn't come close.  There is so much that I saw, learned and experienced.   This blog has become a way to try to express it although words are still insufficient.

Here's a shot of our group hiding in a little shade at Masada.  
More to come soon.


  1. Dear Suz, Susan, and all the great purple bus group -
    This blog is amazing !
    Thank you Suz, you did well!!
    It was my pleasure to be your guide here, and I hope you will come back for more !!
    All the best to all of you,
    God bless,

  2. Dear Irit
    Thank you very much for being God's blessing to us while we on tour in the Holy Land. Your knowledge and organisation were superb. See you in Heaven if not before.
    Blessings to you,
