Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Down to six days. Egad!

I hope you have been enjoying the countdown images. I've had a lot of fun experimenting with effects in Photoshop.   It  helps keep me entertained and out of (much) mischief.  

Finally got a few things packed.   Lost the external portable charger that I got for on the go recharging.  Tore the house apart looking for it then found it in a small compartment of my backpack that I keep forgetting about.  The darn thing is a lifesaver if you have a phone like mine where you can't change the battery out.  

Got most everything packed now.  Just a final check on Sunday and it should all be ready.

Been watching the weather in Jerusalem.  It looks like perfect touring weather.  Not too hot, not too cold.  
I am thanking God for this opportunity.  He is so amazing!

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