Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Egad! In two weeks... almost there

Wow, in two weeks, we will be a little less than two hours from landing in Tel Aviv.   Israel is 10 hours ahead of us. Does that mean that in two weeks we will be a little more than 22 hours from landing?  Well, we will be adding a day.  No? It doesn't work that way?  Well, golly.  Wait!  I know in 11 days we will be 22 hours... no that isn't right either.  Oh my. Talk about a major body clock adjustment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that IS confusing! As I'm typing this, they're probably starting to get hungry for dinner over there, and most of us haven't eaten breakfast here. That will be a shock! What a great idea to write a blog; I hope you get time to share some cool stories while you're over there! I'll be following along. :)
